There is decreasing agriculture landholding in rural India, average landholding has gone down to 0.9 hectares per household. In addition, there are increasing uncertainties around agriculture livelihoods due to climate change. In such a scenario, it is critical to generate quality employment opportunities for the rural youth. Our work and enterprise program which works under the umbrella name of “Yuva Junction” is empowering rural youth through non-farm employment opportunities. Rural youth gets following services from Yuva Junction.
Vocational skills around service sector vocations such as modern retail, hospitality etc. All courses of Yuva Junction are certified by NSDC.
Quality employment opportunities in service sector industries. We have collaborations with large numbers of employers who constantly strive to recruit trainees from Yuva Junction.
Rural youth who are interested in setting up their own enterprises are provided options of starting their own micro-enterprises. We have a structured entrepreneurship program where each of the aspiring entrepreneurs is provided handholding support for a minimum of two years.
Key Achievements of AKRSP(I) on “work and enterprises”
Over 35000 rural youth have been provided vocational skills in various sectors. About 50% of these are women.
Around 10000 youth have been provided jobs in various service sector industries. Average starting salaries have been around Rs.10000 per month.
Over 3000 rural youth have been provided employment opportunities through non-farm micro-enterprises.